fredag den 24. juli 2009


That's right. Nothing.
I have nothing to write about right now. Well except for the fact that I started a blog for no reason. Well, when I say no reason I mean I kinda wanted to blog about my upcoming trip to the states.

So until then I guess there's nothing else to write..
Ok ok! My friend Andrew I can't get away with just writing 4 lines and calling it a day. Fuck you, Andrew!

Right, where was I? Nothing? Oh, ok. I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Ian (pleased to meet you!) a 28 year old ne'er do well, set on doing nothing the rest of my life kinda like Peter Gibbons from Office Space, except that I didn't needed to be hypnotized to achieve such perfect zen-like demeanor, I was just kinda born with it.

So what is this blog going to be about? Well mostly about random pop culture geek stuff coupled with random observations about life such as why fighting games are awesome or why taking a dump is one of the best things in life. Oh yeah I also love irony (and don't think for a moment I don't realize the irony of doing a blog about nothing. Irony is also something you might find, along with odd the long nonsensical parenthesis)

So in the coming months you will see me update this thing sporadically writing something silly.
Is this introduction long enough?

You still reading this?

Why are you reading this?

1 kommentar:

  1. hej Ian
    Dejligt at høre fra dig - glæder mig over at du føler dig godt tilpas med at være i Seattle - lyder som om du hygger dig - du skriver forøvrigt ret underholdende - håber at du skriver om nyt igen snart - skulle hilse mange gange fra Lars
    KH mor
