torsdag den 10. september 2009

The Story So Far

I can't believe my third blog entry would be of the "I'm sorry I havn't blogged in a while"-type but here I am.
For those of you who hate facebook or just can't be bothered to read small updates I will give you the skinny on what I have been doing.. travelling and drinking.. two things far more interesting than blogging to me, much to my friends chagrin. But do not worry, I shall be going into deeper detail and if possible chronological order.


My stay in Seattle was really good way of dipping my toe in the American melting pot after such a long time away. Seattle has many things that make it slightly, well, "European": fanatic soccer fans, gratuitous coffee drinking, "liberal" attitudes. all and all a good place to start.

Apprehension was strong when I initially met Steve, I mean, we've been e-buds for quite some time. But does the internet sphere extend into the real world once all the trolling, half anonymous confessions and the dick and fart jokes is confronted with the, for a lack of a better term, the real world?
Luckily Steve turned out to not be a creepy serial killer with a crawlspace full of women's teeth (I am sure of this, I checked), instead he turned out to be a nice guy trying to find his way through the world.
He took a week of to show me around town (Seattle is a nice city), introduced me to his friends (they were nice people) and finally we played fighting games until my left thumb blistered (during a drinking and playing session, I bit a hole in a blister the size of a grape because I wanted to keep on playing) and finally we went to Vancouver to visit a common e-friend (more on that later)..
my last week in Seattle involved me going to kingston (Jah be praised, mon. No it's actually just on the other side of the water from seattle) and generally taking the bus downtown to wander around aimlessly and doing things such as visiting an aquarium, visitng terrarium, unsuccessfully hitting on a bartender, unsuccessfully hitting on a stripper after being rebuked by the bartender(ess) and other fun stuff mostly involving hanging out with steve, an xbox and gratuitous amounts of steel reserve and pabst blue ribbon.

Now you may think that playing fighting games with steve and all his (oddly enough, Asian) friends was a waste of my road trip efforts. to you I say nay, it was exactly what I wanted . I wanted to bond with this stranger from across the atlantic and see if we were friends irl as we were online. Luckily, sociocide proves to be a microcosm of kindred spirits.

(I apologize for any spelling and/or grammatical errors in advance)

torsdag den 30. juli 2009

The beginning of awesome

Wednessday July 29th, Denmark.
The hour of my flight is approaching. And yet, there are no pre-flight jitters. Perhaps because this isn't the first time crossing the Atlantic. Or parhaps because the grand scope of things hasn't dawned on me yet.
Regardless, I am sitting at the terminal writing this in hand because of the horrible battery life on my laptop. (also, internet is 60 DKR/hour at Kastrup. Fuck. That. Shit.)

This is probably the part where I'm supposed to wax poetic about the nature of "the journey" and how this is the first step of my soon to be epic travels. Perhaps, even abuse that H.C. Andersen quote about how "to travel is to live" (ooops, too late...)

Perhaps there is something to that. I mean, there's confusion on how to get there, lots of standing around waiting and if you stop, well, you stop living.


Wednessday 29th, Washinngton state.
After a non -eventfull flight I arrive tired and hungry to Seattle. After the brief pleasantries costums, where the costums officer reminded me that I was in fact bringing no gifts what so ever (gee thanks thanks alot, officer), after swiftly picking up my luggage I was picked up by Steve (from Sociocide) he recognized me instantly and took my picture.

After finding his car we navigated the traffic and the sveltering heat (it's 39 C). Traffic was slow, but this was only because 2 women decided to paint each other's toenails in the center lane on the freaking freeway.

Steve's reaction:

We were in agreement..

After dropping of my stuff at his place, we vent to a bar for food, beer and grub. Being as I was exessivly hungry, that last part really had much appeal.

Two delicious beers and one delicious burger later, it was pool time. Two of the tables were broken, and after our third game (in which I won 2 to 1 by sheer chutzpa and luck) that table also started acting weird. So we decided to just to mess around.
I really missed being in a bar where country music isn't played ironically.

This lead to many beers and me passing out on his futon
(his room looks more messy than it is)

I am glad to be in the States

fredag den 24. juli 2009


That's right. Nothing.
I have nothing to write about right now. Well except for the fact that I started a blog for no reason. Well, when I say no reason I mean I kinda wanted to blog about my upcoming trip to the states.

So until then I guess there's nothing else to write..
Ok ok! My friend Andrew I can't get away with just writing 4 lines and calling it a day. Fuck you, Andrew!

Right, where was I? Nothing? Oh, ok. I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Ian (pleased to meet you!) a 28 year old ne'er do well, set on doing nothing the rest of my life kinda like Peter Gibbons from Office Space, except that I didn't needed to be hypnotized to achieve such perfect zen-like demeanor, I was just kinda born with it.

So what is this blog going to be about? Well mostly about random pop culture geek stuff coupled with random observations about life such as why fighting games are awesome or why taking a dump is one of the best things in life. Oh yeah I also love irony (and don't think for a moment I don't realize the irony of doing a blog about nothing. Irony is also something you might find, along with odd the long nonsensical parenthesis)

So in the coming months you will see me update this thing sporadically writing something silly.
Is this introduction long enough?

You still reading this?

Why are you reading this?